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 Курочка Ряба
Курочка Ряба
180 ркб.
C# Developer's Guide to ASP NET, XML, and ADO NET Издательство: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 608 стр ISBN 0672321556 инфо 12268i.

This is the book every C# developer needs to read to understand how to create effective Internet applications using ASPNET As recognized experts in the field, Jeffrey PMcManus and Chris Kinsman explain how аюыхиto build applications through effective use of ASPNET, XML, and ADONET In addition, this book will provide: Information about the Common Language Runtime and NET Foundation Classes, which form the building blocks for application development in the NET universeбмоый Practical C# code examples that illustrate operations used most often by application developers Thorough reference material to the objects available in the Foundation Class libraries Авторы Джеффри П Мак-Манус Jeffrey P McManus Крис Кинсмен Chris Kinsman.