Batman Begins: Prima Official Game Guide Издательство: Prima Games, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 0761551093 инфо 12447i.

This is your utility belt ·Stealthy walkthroughs of every area: how to lurk in the shadows, listen to your enemies, and exploit their weaknesses ·Strike fear into your enemies: Learn to increase their panic anаюцфоd subsequently decrease their fighting effectiveness ·Learn how to get what you want: Interrogation tactics will have your captives begging to give you more information ·Pump up your street cred: Boost Batman's reputation to more easily frighten bad guys ·Master your wбмлщщeaponry: Tips for mastering the weapons and tools at your command Автор Мэтт Уолес Matt Wales.