Scummy Man Формат: DVD (PAL) (Digipak) Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз" Региональный код: 0 (All) Количество слоев: DVD-5 (1 слой) Субтитры: Английский / Французский / Немецкий Звуковые инфо 1649p.

От издателя Scummy Man: Nina (Lauren Socha) is easy to find She is on the industrial estate, near the gas tower She is fifteen, addicted to drugs and on the game George (Stephen Graham) is one of her nastiбэрцвer punters His arrival turns the temperature up on her already combusting life He is the scummiest of scummy men, someone you really don't want to be involved with, at all A magician and a taxi driver offer Nina a quick fix, but doesn't everyone want something in reвкпвзturn? She won't take it lying down 01 Scummy Man 02 Just Another Day 03 When The Sun Goes Down Режиссер: Пол Фрейзер Продюсер: Марк Херберт Творческий коллектив Режиссер Пол Фрейзер Paul Fraser Актеры (показать всех актеров) Стивен Грэм Stephen Graham Колин Бэтфорд Colin Batchford Мэтт Хелдерс Matt Helders.