18. Bates W.H. A case of miopie refraction relieved by eye education.- 4 p.- // Medical Record.- New York.- 1912.- Ixxxii, 851 (Nov.9, 19..).
19. Bates W.H. The cause of myopia // New York medical journal.- 1912.- vol.XCV.- N 11.- p.529-532.
20. Bates W.H. A clinical and experimental study of physiological optics.- 8 p.- // American journal of clinical medicine.- Chicago.- July.- 1921.
21. Bates W.H. The cure of defective eyesight by treatment without glasses; or, The radical cure of errors of refraction by means of central fixation.- New York: A.R.Elliott Publ. Co., 1915.- 26 p.
22. Bates W.H. The cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses.- New York city: Central Fixation Publishing company, 1920.- 313 p.
23. Bates W.H. Eye training for the cure of functional myopia // New York medical journal.- 1912.- vol.XCV.- N 20.- pp.1029-1032.
24. Bates, W.H. How to use the Snellen test card for the prevention and cure of imperfect sight in children and adults.- New York city: Central fixation publishing Co., 19--.- 4 p.
25. Bates W.H. Imagination and vision.- 6 p.- // Jour. Allied med. assoc. of Amer.- Oct.- 1921.
26. Bates W.H. The imperfect sight of the normal eye // New York medical journal.- Sept.8.- 1917.
27. Bates W.H. Improving the sight of soldiers and sailors and relieving pain.- New York, 1918.- 7 p.
28. Bates W.H. Memory as an aid to vision.- 10 p.// New York medical journal.- May 24.- 1919.
29. Bates W.H. Myopia prevention by teachers // New York medical journal.- 1913.- vol.xcviii.- pp.410-413.
30. Bates W.H. De la myopie fonctionnelle // La Clinique ophtalmologique.- Paris.- 1912.- xviii.- pp.188-191.
31. Bates W.H. Perfect sight without glasses.- New York: Central fixation publishing company, 1920.
32. Bates W.H. The prevention of myopia in school children // New York medical journal.- 1911.- vol.xciv.- N 5.- pp.237-238.
33. Bates W.H. The radical cure of errors of refraction by means of central fixation // New York medical journal.- 1915.- vol.CI.- N 19.- pp.925-933.
34. Bates W.H. Rechtes Sehen ohne Brille. Heilung fehlerhaften Sehens durch Behandlung ohne Brille / Autor. Ubers.aus dem Engl. von Elsbeth Friedrichs.- Grimma: P.Schrecker, 1931.- 353 s.
35. Bates W.H. Shifting as an aid to vision.- 7 p.// New York medical journal.- July 3.- 1920.
36. Bates W.H. Throw away your glasses.- 15 p.// Heart's internat.- Sept.- 1923.
37. Bates W.H. Treatment of myopia without glasses.// Medical Record.- New York.- 1894.- xIv.- pp.104-106.

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